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Me dê Amor

Posted on: Wednesday, 29 October 2014

HEY!! So i'm back...After almost a year of negligence and suffocating in uni and work I have decided to return back to the blogging sphere. A lot has changed in my life over the past year and i'm pleased to have built the courage to get back to it. I don't know what it is but blogging keeps me inspired and I felt like I was growing stale without it (hopefully i'll learn my lesson some day soon).

So some things that have happened over the past year:

1. I've become ridiculously obsessed with Mecca Cosmetica...send help.
2. Gelato, gelato, gelato!
3. I've continued my jewellery this space!
4. I've almost finished my journalism & communications degree - thank f***.
5. & i'm increasingly money hungry... mmmm.

Anyway, i'm currently inspired by delicate jewellery and am looking around for some fine jewellery labels. If you guys have any suggestions can you let me know : ) Seriously in need of a jewellery update.

Here's my current wishlist...

Kathleen Whitaker foil earrings

Sarah & Sebastien Trinity Earrings

Venice Love Bug Earring

Venice Poppy Earrings

Quirky but cute...what do you think? 

x x x 

Meet me at the Mediterranean

Posted on: Tuesday, 30 July 2013

all photos via my tumblr -

Ahh the sea gets me too excited! Sometimes you just need a little inspiration... xx
p.s. Dolce & Gabbana just know how to do it...don't you think? 

Monday Romance

Posted on: Monday, 29 July 2013

Monday comes around faster than the blink of an eye and sometimes the mayhem of a new week can get more than 'too much'. When friday feels like a lifetime away there is no better way to brighten up your day by buying yourself a bunch of fresh flowers, lighting a candle and cooking yourself a not-too- indulgent meal (because we all want to start the week off on the right I correct?). Here are five pleasures currently keeping me happy and sane. 

Sheer table cloths from Fondi markets

Ischia, Italy - if you haven't been before, this little island off Naples is a must and one of my favourite places

Fresh fleurs at Paddington

Secluded australian beaches

 Picnics with my mum and sister at Palm Beach

Here's to a successful week full of hard work, determination and accomplishment! xxx

 p.s. Follow my blog with Bloglovin :) 

Cool Rider

Posted on: Saturday, 27 July 2013

From James Dean in 'Rebel without a Cause' to Danny Zuko and the T-Birds in 'Grease', the leather jacket first conjured up images of bad boys and rebellion. It goes without saying that this historical piece of clothing (it's origins date back to the 20's where it was first sold at Harley Davidson in New York) is a symbol of eternal style --and not to mention something I definitely need to invest in. Here are a few photos currently tuning my temptation. 

all photos via tumblr. 

With the ability to transform any outfit I think it's time to save the $$ for this Acne one..what do you think? xx

The Classics

Posted on: Sunday, 21 July 2013

I've never been the type of person to splurge on unnecessary items of clothing. Rather I prefer to invest in classic pieces that I know will take me from season to season. When shopping I always pay attention to the quality of the item and where the item is made. These are my current essentials with prices that I justified by saying "I'll pass them down to my grandchildren one day" (I'll say anything to make me sleep at night), plus I think it's important to treat yourself every now and then. Knowing that I worked hard for these key essentials makes me appreciate them even more. What is comforting is that if you find yourself completely regretting your purchases later on, just think...there is always ebay. 

Celine trio bag,  Miu Miu sunglasses,  Skagen watch,  ManiaMania stone ring,  Delicate rings from Bondi markets,  Acqua di Parma perfume,  Louis Vuitton diary 

To me, these are pieces that can transform any outfit. They are versatile items that I can wear day or night, dressed up
or dressed down. My mum has taught me from an early age that classic pieces never go out of style. Stay tuned for my
outfit post later this week :). I'd love to know, what are some of your essentials? xxx

Five Pleasures

Posted on: Wednesday, 17 July 2013

It’s no exaggeration when I say that my complete lack of decisiveness is what brought me here. Yes that’s right, my own vague personality traits are what motivated me to start my own blog. Making a decision with confidence has never been one of my finest abilities (to say the least) but I think starting ‘Via del Mare’ is going to be one of those decisions I will never regret.

I’ve always placed a lot of emphasis (or maybe it’s pressure?) on how I want my life to pan out. Of course I’m aware that you can’t control everything in life, however sometimes I catch myself dreaming of my future whilst letting the present pass me by. Like most people I have big dreams but like the spanish say 'que sera, sera' (what will be, will be). So now I have created my blog and finally I am going to take the time to appreciate the little things in life, even if it is cliché.  

To give you some background ‘Via del Mare’ is a secret street in a miniature town south of Italy where I first conceived of the idea to make my life a living piece of art. This is my journey, one dedicated to the simple and greatest pleasures of life.

So to start ‘Via del Mare’ off I am going to introduce a little segment called ‘Five Pleasures’. It’s as simple as it sounds. I’m so happy to finally be doing this.

Beautifully wrapped roses from Armchair Collective

Fresh produce from the grower's market

A view that really is too beautiful to be true
A light lunch at Jackie's in Paddington

My hot new wheels

Here’s to living in the moment xxx

p.s. Follow my blog with Bloglovin :) 

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